We advocate for oil and gas production in California through state and local legislation, ballot measures, and litigation and have a track record of working for royalty and mineral owners.
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Phillips 66 will close Los Angeles refinery by 2025
Gavin Newsom Drives Jobs Out and Prices Up Phillips 66 announced it will close its Los Angeles refinery by 2025, removing about 8% of California's refining capacity. This move comes just after Governor Gavin Newsom signed a new law aimed at stabilizing gasoline...

The Sound Of Flip Flops
A Consequential Change Of Heart Passes AB 3233 In a surprising turn in the last minutes of a late night session, Senator Bob Archuleta switched his vote in favor of Assembly Bill 3233 (AB 3233), which represents a significant defeat for owners of mineral, oil and gas...

Planned Blackouts
As California is pushed to adopt renewable energy, the electricity grid faces significant risks from an over reliance on a few aging refineries and specialized fuel blends. The California Energy Commission (CEC) warns that any disruption in refinery operations could lead to severe fuel shortages and price spikes